
又名:The Third Wish


主演:吴慷仁 曾恺玹 唐国忠 卓胜利 纳豆 

导演:黄铭正 编剧:黄铭正 Min-cheng Huang/曾祯/黄素玉/蔡秀女


Plot Summary:A simple organic fruit farmer Rong Guang (Wu Kang-Ren) is raising his son Feng (Chen Yu-Cheng) alone in a small rural community, although with poor harvests and little money, their lifestyle is meagre. Elsewhere Feng's mother Yi Ying (Alice Tzeng), now a successful businesswoman is being pressured by her husband Chung Hao (Tang Guo-Zhong) to have children something she strongly resists. Ying reveals that she already has a son, feng, and that he may be Chung Hao's after all, so they begin proceedings to take feng back for themselves which Rong Guang refuses to let happen. Chung Hao demands a DNA test but before this can happen, Rong Guang collapses and is taken to hospital, forcing him to make some drastic decisions for Feng's welfare.


做事不能设假设 • 第三个愿望是幸福

不能说的第三个愿望   一辈子的信仰 化身雪白的翅膀   陪女孩走过全世界的每条小巷 彩

i电影 • 挺感人的说

小男孩很可爱,念琪老师也喜欢,极讨厌那个自私的宜莹。。。。推荐大家看下韩国电影 《婚纱》,还有 《