等待黑色黎明Ghosts of Mississippi(1996)

又名:密西西比的幽灵 / 密西西比谋杀案


主演:詹姆斯·伍兹 亚历克·鲍德温 乌比·戈德堡 

导演:罗伯·莱纳 编剧:Lewis Colick


Plot Summary:Ghosts of Mississippi is a real-life drama covering the final trial of Byron De La Beckwith, the assassin of heroic civil rights leader Medgar Evers. The movie begins with the murder on June 12, 1963 and the events surrounding the two initial trials which both ended in hung juries. The movie then covers district attorney Bobby De Laughter's transformation and alliance with Myrlie Evers, Medgar Evers' widow, as he becomes more involved with bringing Beckwith to trial for the third time 30 years later. Byron De La Beckwith was convicted on February 5, 1994, after having remained a free man for much of the 30 years after the murder, giving justice for Medgar Evers' family.


楚荆 • 为一个魂灵而战

昨晚第一剧场演了《密西西比谋杀案》,很精彩的好片子,可是好像知道的人不多。 德洛的执