亡灵咒怨Haunted Forest(2007)


主演:Sevy Di Cione Adam Green Mark  

导演:Mauro Borrelli 编剧:Mauro Borrelli


印第安人后裔西恩(Sevy Di Cione 饰)的祖父曾记录过一件在120年前发生过的故事,印第安女孩莎丁卡(Kiralee Hayashi 饰)与医生的儿子相爱,但她却被白人开垦者残忍杀害。莎丁卡一股怨气化作厉鬼,徘徊于森林之中。祖父的笔记中同时记载着在森林的最深处,藏有一笔巨额宝藏。   西恩为宝藏所吸引,遂与好友约西(Adam Green 饰)、弗利普(Edoardo Beghi 饰)以及他们的女朋友相约前往森林探险。这群不速之客搅扰了厉鬼莎丁卡的睡眠,西恩一伙从此陷入了无尽的死亡恐怖之中……
Plot Summary:The Indian descendent Sean comes to a forest with his friends Josh and Flipp trying to find the track to a mysterious cursed tree and a secret burial ground. His grandfather wrote a journal about the love of the Indian Satinka and the son of the medicine man of their tribe one hundred and twenty years ago, and how Satinka was trapped in a tree by an evil spirit. Meanwhile, the girlfriends Jennifer and Kiyomi are searching for flowers in the same woods. When Flipp and Kiyomi vanish, their friends meet each other and stay together while a deranged hunter chases new victims for the vengeful spirit of the tree.


凸凸的凹凹 • O蛋电影

我给O分,零蛋哈哈哈···烂片,简直没法看!!!!!!!!!! 拍的太业余了,和《伊甸园》没法比。

冰淇淋娃娃 • 浪费时间~
