门牌号码House of Numbers: Anatomy of an Epidemic(2009)




导演:Brent Leung 


HIV是什么?AIDS又是怎么?这样的“不治之症”真的无药可解吗?   为了找到解答,导演Brent Leung走遍世界,从医药研究龙头到疾病与死亡充斥的南非街头都有他的足迹,然而爱滋病虽然一直是世界注目的话题,但却始终没有太多人真正了解这种疾病。   导演发现对于爱滋病的研究并不如外界所想像般按照计划进行,而相关的保健政策更是荒腔走板,更接连访谈了几位在此领域中的知名人物,有HIV病毒发现者之一、总统顾问、诺贝尔得主、反爱滋组织执行总监,以及存活下来的患者和许多爱滋运动者,然而却也让Leung发现更多惊人的真相,与无法厘清的矛盾。   本片深入核心揭露真相,而成果将撼动整个传统知识下对爱滋病的认知,为健康、为生命的战斗现在才开始!
Plot Summary:What is HIV? What is AIDS? What is being done to cure it? These questions sent Canadian filmmaker Brent Leung on a worldwide journey, from the highest echelons of the medical research establishment to the slums of South Africa, where death and disease are the order of the day. In this up-to-the-minute documentary, he observes that although AIDS has been front-page news for over 28 years, it is barely understood. Despite the great effort, time, and money spent, no cure is in sight. Born in 1980 (on the cusp of the epidemic), Leung reveals a research establishment in disarray, and health policy gone tragically off course. Gaining access to a remarkable array of the most prominent and influential figures in the field -- among them the co-discoverers of HIV, presidential advisors, Nobel laureates, and the Executive Director of UNAIDS, as well as survivors and activists -- his restrained approach yields surprising revelations and stunning contradictions. The HIV/AIDS story is being rewritten, and this is the first film to present the uncensored POVs of virtually all the major players -- in their own settings, in their own words. It rocks the foundation upon which all conventional wisdom regarding HIV/AIDS is based. If, as South African health advocate Pephsile Maseko remarks, "this is the beginning of a war...a war to reclaim our health," then House of Numbers could well be the opening salvo in the battle to bring sanity and clarity to an epidemic clearly gone awry.


流星飞绊 • AIDS and AIDS denialism

这是一部宣传“AIDS denialism”学说的纪录片。 从字面的意思直译,AIDS denial