潜行追踪(美版) 第一季Hunted(2017)

又名:潜行追踪 美版



潜行追踪(美版) 第一季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:A competition with regular people involving a real-life manhunt where they attempt to completely drop off the grid while skilled investigators, who are highly trained in modern investigating tactics and who process the most advanced tracking technology, hunt to catch them. From searching their homes, internet and cell phones, to identifying individuals' patterns and thinking habits, the Hunters pursuing them and the investigators at their Command Center focus all concentration towards identifying possible hiding places and associates to limit the fugitive's possibilities and increase the possibility of capture. Eighteen individuals will pair up for a chance at the grand prize of $250,000 which will be awarded to any pairs that successfully evade capture for 28 days.

潜行追踪(美版) 第一季的影评列表

🐮⭐⭐ • 他们为什么被抓?以及如何人间蒸发?

A/为什么被抓? 28天的逃亡时间里,职业特工们抓回了14/18。 1-黑人姐妹组 孩子口风不严,被