无辜者 第一季Innocent(2018)

主演:李·恩格里比 阿德里安·劳林斯 赫米奥娜·诺里斯 安琪儿·库 

导演:理查德·克拉克 编剧:克里斯·朗 Chris Lang/Matthew Arlidge

无辜者 第一季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:After seven years in a high security prison, David Collins' conviction for the murder of his wife, Tara, is overturned due to a technicality, or as his lawyer puts it, an appalling miscarriage of justice. Able to start his life again and begin to repair relationships with his family and friends, David hopes to finally be allowed to mourn his wife's death. As a new investigation is launched, headed by DI Cathy Hudson, dark secrets of abuse, affairs and money troubles rise to the surface. From jealous sisters to disgruntled lovers, these secrets rip fragile relationships apart at the seams. But one question remains: is David Collins truly innocent?

无辜者 第一季的影评列表

子函妈妈 • 谎言之下,没有一个人可以全身而退
