
又名:好小子1:小龙出山 / Kung Fu Kids


主演:颜正国 左孝虎 陈崇荣 陈慧楼 谭艾珍 

导演:张美君 朱延平 编剧:禚宏顺 Hung-Shun Cho/周金静 Jin-Ching Chou/林凌妃 Ling-Fei Lin/刘慧兰 Hui-Lan Liu


阿国,小虎和小胖是情同手足的三兄弟,三人跟随爷爷居住在与世隔绝的深山老林之中,潜心习武。某日,三个捣蛋鬼不小心放跑了爷爷心爱的云雀,害怕受到爷爷的责罚,三人决心离家出走,投奔居住在城市之中的奶奶。   就这样,三个初出茅庐的小家伙踏上了前往大城市的旅途,大城市中的一切都让他们感到好奇又震惊。三人发现,他们所带的纸币在市面上已经不再使用,又找不到奶奶的下落,三人沦落成为了街边的流浪儿。一伙犯罪分子盯上了三个小家伙,利用他们高超的武艺企图行不法之事,所幸被三人及时察觉,逃离了魔窟。三人在街上偶遇了奶奶,然而,他们带走了犯罪分子们的犯罪证据,这伙歹徒将目标放到了小孙女的身上。
Plot Summary:Ah Kuo, Xiao Yu and Chubby are three country bumpkins living in the mountains with their cantankerous grandfather, who teaches the boys about discipline, dedication and devotion through martial arts training. Over the years, the boys have done a lot of kung fu training and have gained much in the ways of martial arts, including good health and a bond that keeps them inseparable. However, during an argument involving who is suppose to feed Grandpa's pet bird, it escapes and now they fear punishment. Not wanting to get into anymore trouble, they flee from home in an attempt to find the bird and bring it back so Grandpa won't know and this prompts the boys to take a trip to the big city, where their country way of life causes them to get into trouble and clash with the locals a little bit because they have no knowledge of city life. During the trip, the boys discover their Grandma and little sister Cheng-Cheng living the good life and so she takes them in to look after them, but their happy times together won't last: a notorious crime syndicate that the Young Dragons bumped into earlier has some unfinished business with them and now, they must utilize everything their grandfather taught them as they fight to protect themselves and their family from the very thugs who seek to destroy their unity.


小闷头 • 记忆中的点点滴滴.........

如果没有记错的话,这个应该是一系列,而如今重温也只是看完了一,还应该有续集的二、三..... 那个

HB1986 • 我最想看的

好小子是很好的电影哦,可是不知道怎么看,呵呵,教教俺吧!!! 好小子是很好的电影哦,可是不知道怎么看

A咖人妻 • 很多很多年之前的事

现在都还能记得主题曲的调~~~ 当时看得好激动啊 还是很小的小孩 正好那个时候学武术 更是激昂~~~