马可波罗传Marco Polo(2007)



主演:伊恩·萨默海尔德 黄荣亮 德西里亚·西亚汉 布莱恩·丹内利  

导演:Kevin Connor 编剧:罗恩·哈钦森 Ron Hutchinson


Hallmark Channel (Lifetime TV)最近放出消息此剧正在中国收尾阶段,很快会在Hallmark上与大家见面。   男一号Ian Somerhalder从维真群岛的LOST退出,就赶赴中国进行马可波罗的拍摄。   sonychen 注
Plot Summary:Assigned to accompany two priests on a mission to convert the court of Kublai Khan to Christianity, Marco Polo is abandoned in the mountains when the priests, doubting the very existence of China, turn back. Polo eventually pushes bravely forth alone toward the fabled country where he is accepted as an envoy into Khan's court. Marooned on the far side of the world, Polo, accompanied by his servant, Pedro, advances as a Mongol grandee for twenty extraordinary years. What he eventually brings back with him to the West is a chronicle that changed history forever.


企鹅不怕冷 • 一出老外意淫中国的宫廷戏

"但是Polo义无反顾地决定孤身前往这个神秘的国度,随行带上了他的仆人Pedro (B.D. Won