
又名:饭和少女 / Meshi to otome / Food and the Maiden


主演:佐久间麻由 上村聪 田中里枝 冈村多加江 

导演:栗村实 编剧:栗村实 Minoru Kurimura


在餐吧工作的砂织很喜欢做菜,然而店里的常客、性格稳重的九条却从不吃她做的菜,砂织为此很烦恼。另一名常客美江,因为同居中的男友不认真工作而患上了过食症。但是有一天,美江发现自己怀孕了。美江就职的公司的社长,因为公司营业困难而不能吃饭,实在饿得不行的时候偷吃了女儿的便当…… 4对男女关于“吃”的人生百态与舒伯特的第14弦乐四重奏《死与少女》交织而成的故事。
Plot Summary:Young girl Saori, a cook at a diner, loves cooking. There is a regular customer Kujo, a guy who has never touched the plate of her cooking. Saori decides to give him a bag of sandwiches for him to eat at home, but later she finds that he gave it to a Buddhist monk on a street. She does not know that Kujo only eats what he cooked himself. A tragicomedy of 4 couples suffering about eating.


路卿卿_Cyan • 人是为了什么而吃饭?

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