
又名:Gubijinsô / Poppies


主演:夏川大二郎 月田一郎 

导演:沟口健二 编剧:夏目漱石 Soseki Natsume


Plot Summary:Based on Soseki Natsume's 1908 novel of the same title, Poppy is an ornately complicated story of desire and ambition. Fujio is beautiful, talented, well-heeled, and engaged to Munechika, a rising young diplomat. She has promised him a gold watch, a family heirloom, as an emblem of their engagement. But she falls in love with Ono, a student employed to tutor her in English, who is attracted by her beauty and wealth. Ono is himself bound by an engagement to Sayoko, the daughter of his mentor, Professor Inoue. The self-centered Fujio is ready to forsake everything for Ono, but he is prevailed upon to go ahead with his marriage to Sayoko. Fujio then offers the watch to Munechika who, perceiving Fujio's true feelings, hurls the watch into the sea.


沈园清客 • 奴役于道德观和名利场——记沟口健二《虞美人草》

名利和道义,都与刻骨的深情无关。 若干年前,井上收留了素不相识的少年小野,悉心培育其长大。

许小鱼 • 因为遥远的记忆,所以一定是五星

遥远的记忆 小的时候,在某一个台看过 当时电视台很少 要么就是上海台,要么就是中央台了 印象不深,真

沈园清客 • 奴役于道德观和名利——记沟口健二《虞美人草》

  名利和道义,都与刻骨的深情无关。   若干年前,井上收留了素不相识的少年小野,悉心培育其长大。如