奇异的破晓STRANGE DAWN(2000)

主演:榎本祥子 清水香里 伊藤健太郎 佐久间红美 石冢理恵 胜生真 

导演:佐藤順一 河本昇悟 编剧:横手美智子


Plot Summary:Yuko and Eri are two normal girls who are sucked into the alternate world filled with tiny people. The people of this mysterious world sees them as their "Great Protectors" who can protect their land in a time of strife. The two girls set out on a mission with a group of warriors from the village to find out how they were brought here and how might they return home. However, there is a war brewing and these two Great Protectors are the political tool that every faction lusts for to rally the people to their side.


火星森林 • 结尾也许并不是我们看到的潦草腰斩资金不足什么的
