奇异天使 第一季Strange Angel(2018)

又名:怪奇天使 / 怪异的天使 / 神秘天使

主演:杰克·莱诺 贝拉·希思科特 彼得·马克·肯德尔 格雷·怀斯  

导演:大卫·洛维 编剧:马克·海曼 Mark Heyman/George Pendle/Dagny Looper

奇异天使 第一季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Based on the life of Jack Parsons, a brilliant real-life rocket engineer hired by the US government in 1940s to help with the rocket program, which he saw as the starting point for future space exploration. In 1938, curious by nature, Parsons meets and quickly befriends his new next door neighbor Ernest Donovan, a follower of the infamous English occultist Aleister Crowley, who proceeds to seduce him into his way of thinking which includes the motto "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law" as the only principle in life as well as other tenets and practices of Crowley and his Thelema religious movement that include secret orgies which produce 'sexual magic' and occult rituals meant to establish contact with 'the other side.' As Parsons slowly becomes part of this strange secret world, his newfound beliefs and lifestyle jeopardize both his marriage and his job.

奇异天使 第一季的影评列表

牛奶很忙 • 是科学家?是黑魔法师?


宋先生 • 邪教类情感剧混搭些许传记


Ms王六六 • 八卦一下

插播八卦 关于钱老师和这位神秘术士走得有多近,或者说,钱老师当年所推崇的气功热跟帕森斯的黑魔法到底有

iozio • 需要知道的背景资料

杰克·帕森斯(1914—1952)\ 帕森斯1914年出生于美国的一个富商之家,少年时期的帕森斯热衷