与狼共存Survivre avec les loups(2007)

又名:surviving with wolves


主演:Guy Bedos Michèle Bernier Fran 

导演:Véra Belmont 编剧:Véra Belmont


Plot Summary:In 1942, the young Jewish girl Misha, her Russian mother Gerusha and her German father Reuven hide from the Germans in a small house in Ardennes, Belgium. Misha is very connected to her mother that advises her that if one day a person comes to her saying "love of my life", she would follow him or her without any question. When her parents are captured by the Nazis, Misha is delivered to a German family and the abusive matriarch gives a bad treatment to the girl. However, she finds support in the family of Ernest and his deranged wife Marthe that supplies groceries to foster family. Misha loves Ernest's dogs and the old man gives a compass to her and tells that her parents have been sent to East to forced labor. When the old couple is denounced for sheltering the girl and arrested by the Germans, Misha flees through the woods heading east. Along her journey seeking out her parents, she lives and survives with pack of wolves and crosses Germany, Poland reaching Ukraine. When she sees ...


轻亲苹果香 • 像狼一样的孩子


marvin • 漫漫寻亲路


莫莫 • 「与狼共存」地另类解读

鼠年即将过去, 牛年即将到来之际, 四处弥漫着团圆的气氛, 大家其乐融融的准备着过年的计划, 我依旧

marvin • 爆料
