像大黄蜂一样飞走The Bumblebee Flies Anyway(1999)



主演:伊利亚·伍德 瑞切尔·蕾·库克 Rachael Leigh  

导演:Martin Duffy 编剧:Robert Cormier/Jennifer Sarja


Plot Summary:Barney Snow (Wood) wakes up in a hospital with no memories but his name & recurring images of a car crash. With little else to go on, he makes the place his temporary home and soon learns that all of the other residents in this youth clinic are dying from terminal illnesses - except him. When another patient, Mazzo (Perrino), asks Barney to play host for his visiting twin sister Cassie (Cook), the two strike up a fast friendship that blooms into romance and promises a fresh start for Barney. But as he gradually pieces together his fragmented memory, he begins to unravel the puzzle of his strange dreams and remember his old life. How will Barney react once he learns the truth about his own past, and what will he do when Mazzo surprises him with a difficult request for help?


Star Lost 4eva
Star Lost 4eva • 一个感人至深的美丽故事

坊间说法 大黄蜂按照空气动力学原理是无法飞翔的 可是大黄蜂本身不知道 所以它会一直飞来飞去。。。