俄国女王The Rise of Catherine the Great(1934)

又名:凯瑟琳大帝的崛起 / 凯瑟琳女皇的崛起


主演:小道格拉斯·范朋克 伊丽莎白·伯格纳 弗劳拉·罗博森 

导演:保罗·锡纳 亚历山大·柯达 编剧:Arthur Wimperis/Marjorie Deans


Plot Summary:In 1745 a German princess, renamed Catherine, arrives to marry Grand Duke Peter of Russia, whom she initially likes. But his suspicious, unstable nature gradually estranges them, and Peter finds solace with pretty courtiers. Catherine invents her own (fictitious) lovers, temporarily improving matters. Alas, accession to the throne brings out the worst in Peter, and loyal Catherine is urged to assume power.


haze yao
haze yao • 好久没看电影的我,看到了Douglas Fairbanks还是惊艳了

过去的电影很有戏剧的效果,人物表演夸张,角色表情单一 这是很多年前我在cctv佳片有约中看砖家评论埃