关于我爸妈的事儿The Thing About My Folks(2005)



主演:彼得·法尔克 保罗·雷瑟 伊丽莎白·帕金斯 奥林匹娅·杜卡基 

导演:雷蒙德·德·费里塔 编剧:保罗·雷瑟 Paul Reiser


Plot Summary:Ben's dad Sam shows up one night with a note from Ben's mother (Sam's wife of 46 years), that she has left. While Ben's wife and his three sisters try to find her, Ben takes Sam on a day trip to see a farmhouse that's for sale. The day trip turns into a road trip while dad and son explore their past, their relationship, and why Sam's wife might have left him. The road trip includes fishing, drinking, playing pool, sleeping under the stars, and frank discussion. Anger simmers close at hand, as do love and hope. Where Sam's wife is - and why she left - leads to the movie's resolution.


秋天 • 温情不等于温水

古稀之年的母亲离家出走寻找自己的幸福去了 总爱在沐浴之后洒上强生婴儿爽肤粉的父亲不知所措的来访 本来