当星期六来临When Saturday Comes(1996)


主演:肖恩·宾 艾米丽·劳伊德 皮特·波斯尔思韦特 克雷格·凯利 

导演:Maria Giese 


Plot Summary:Jimmy Muir is a hard-drinking brewery worker in the city of Sheffield, with an arrogant lack of respect for authority. His entire life has been orientated by football and he possesses the potential, but has never had the courage or discipline to make anything of it. Jimmy is spotted by Ken Jackson, whilst playing for his pub team. Ken is the manager of Hallam football club, a local non-league team. After continually playing brilliantly for Hallam, Jimmy gets offered a trial at Sheffield United. The evening before the trial he gets drunk, and wakes up feeling very rough. Consequently he fails to impress the Sheffield United manager. Jimmy then has to consider his future and his choices and if he has the self discipline to succeed!


怨灵 • 真实具有无可比拟的力量

热知识: 1.本篇男主演豆叔肖恩宾年轻时是小混混【实际上他老了之后仍然很混】,梦想成为足球运动员。

nazixjw • 吉米·米罗

初中时候看的。找了很久。当时就知道男主角角色叫吉米·米罗。具体情节,现在是肯定记不大清了。 原本在谢