1724妓房动乱事件1724 기방 난동 사건(2008)

又名:妓房动乱事件 / 1724围攻明月香 / Disturbance in Her Barroom / The Accidental Gangster and the Mistaken Courtesan / 1724 Gibangnandongsageon


主演:李政宰 金玉彬 金锡勋 李元宗 赵德贤 曹熙奉 金幽珍 

导演:吕畇东 编剧:吕钧东/李华成








西虹影视为您提供2008年由李政宰 金玉彬 金锡勋 李元宗 赵德贤 曹熙奉 金幽珍 主演,吕畇东 导演的《1724妓房动乱事件》/原名《1724 기방 난동 사건》/又名《妓房动乱事件 / 1724围攻明月香 / Disturbance in Her Barroom / The Accidental Gangster and the Mistaken Courtesan / 1724 Gibangnandongsageon》电影在线观看,《1724妓房动乱事件》百度云网盘资源以及《1724妓房动乱事件》高清mp4迅雷下载,《1724妓房动乱事件》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

1724年的朝鲜时代笼罩在无休无止的党派斗争中,全国局势一片混乱。坐落于汉阳中心的明月香妓房里有个色艺俱佳的花魁雪智(金玉彬饰),被誉为“平壤第一艺妓”。整天打架闹事的小混混千董(李政宰饰),对雪智一见倾心。可是明月香妓院的后台主人万德(金锡勋饰)也想把雪智据为己有,却发现雪智和千董已经相爱,万德心中暗起杀机。   千董从小就梦想成为“朝鲜第一铁拳”。一天,他像平常一样随便跟人打了一架,没想到自己偶然间打败的那位居然是朝鲜拳头届的“不败之神”——独耳,千董平步青云成了临时的大哥大,这让千董瞬间拥有了跟万德争夺雪智的资本。在千董和万德之间,一场笑料百出的争斗正式上演……
Plot Summary:Korea, 1724. Once upon a time in the Choson Dynasty, Chun-doong falls in love at first sight with a beautiful woman whilst in the middle of a fight. Her name is Seol-ji and she works as a kisaeng, a high-class courtesan. When she is delivered by accident to Chun-doong's tavern to work as a maid, he is the happiest man in the land until she is snatched away by her rightful owner, Man-deuk. He vows to get her back, but alone he is no match for Man-deuk, a fierce gang boss with political connections. While still despondent without Seol-ji in his life, he is challenged to a friendly fight by Man-deuk's main rival, gang boss Jjak-gwi. When he accidentally knocks him into a coma, he is hired as the replacement boss. Jjak-gwi was en route to a gathering of the nation's gang bosses at Man-deuk's inn where Seol-ji now works. During the assembly, Man-deuk almost initiates a war in the underworld when he brings Seol-ji into the negotiations. But Man-deuk has his own reasons to plot the downfall of the Jjak-gwi gang, including larger ambitions to betray the king and seize ultimate power.


  • Y.精彩人生

    Y.精彩人生 • 很好的一部韩式搞笑片,怎么评分这么低呢?

  • 王笑猫

    王笑猫 • 可爱的男主角

    还真是韩版周星驰的感觉,不过男主角比周星星正派,更易招女性喜欢。 就是一个大俗故事,全靠演员+时尚的拍摄手法+导演的喜剧细胞,所以很适合休闲看,当然有一些暴力场面,被动画化了,所以...
  • 胖儿

    胖儿 • 来拍成游戏应该挺好玩的

      向来说话不长,简单的评价一下:前面看的很没意思,中间的情意还是不错的,最后的打斗场面也比较精彩。韩国还知道写朝鲜而不是高丽还算有点良心   最让我感觉好玩的是乌鸦飘过的那一刻。...
  • 放崧说

    放崧说 • 韩版周星驰

    编:为了放松心情 找出来这个电影 想起貌似很久没有留意韩国片了 韩片儿跟日本片儿的区别在于更注重娱乐性 没有太多沉重压抑的成分 爱煽情不爱拔高 本片剧情虽然老套但是绝没冷场 选取这样一个不疼不...
  • 十个斗的眼窝浅

    十个斗的眼窝浅 • 安德烈 金的衣服难看死了!!!!!!!

    情节老套, 电脑合成, 片名噱头...... 安德烈 金的衣服难看死了!!!!!!! 也不喜欢金玉彬~~~...
