Plot Summary:Semir chases a stolen fire truck, when suddenly several air freight containers fall out of the sky. Among them, police finds the body of a pilot. Afterwards, the plane is found, with the co-pilot executed. When examining the color powder found inside the containers, an unknown man knocks Semir out and steals the truck with the containers. The man turns out to be Jan Richter, a detective who just graduated from Münster police academy. The killed pilot was his best friend, and he wants to avenge his friends's death by meeting with the killers, in order to sell them the containers. However, Jan gets nearly killed by Tscherne, the enforcer of bank manager Hadenberg, but Semir safes him. It turns out that Hadenberg intends to print his own money, in order to save himself and his bankrupt Vortex Bank.
昨CCTV6看的T T太尼玛腐了!我也不想过这种满眼攻受的人生!但是女上司明显就是在撮合两人嘛!!!西米尔明显就是个大叔强受嘛!!那个吊稍眼的坏银那么媚!最后还和行长两人一起死翘翘了~(人家根本就是分开死的好吗!)里希特那么帅眼睫毛那么长~为了西米尔勇闯火海!猫都被我的尖叫吓到了。。==b
7.25.CCAV6.男二号真帅啊。- -我就说怎么那么奇怪,原来是电视剧。。。。