Plot Summary:Minori Takamura, an aromatherapist, was chosen by Eiji Masano, a famous architect, to take part in a project called \"Iyashi No Niwa (a garden of healing)\". The project was assigned to an advertising agency run by Eiji's wife, Saki. As president of this company, Saki herself becomes involved in the project. Minori's boyfriend, Tetsushi Nakahara, was also asked to take part in the project as composer. So, the four men and women are brought together under this project. The balance is slowly broken as Eiji becomes attracted to Minori and her youthful beauty. Learning this, Saki becomes extremely jealous of Minori, and calls on Tetsushi-who also learned of his girlfriend's change of heart and is fuming with jealousy-to join her in a plot of betrayal. The balance that was maintained among the four people slowly and steadily breaks down.
大言不惭的来说我看完了 我去 居然只录了一半··· 其实这剧看到后面真的很有乐趣 为啥没结局···