Plot Summary:Alvarito, an apparently normal boy with a perfectly sane brain, suffers nonetheless a mysterious chronic stupidity that eludes the limits of modern medicine. Florentina, his dedicated mother, after years of infructuous search for the causes of her son's disorder, decides to pawn her last properties and resort to the consultation clinic of Dr. Natalio, a barber-surgeon of infamous reputation to whom are attributed as many miraculous healings as obscure negligences. Dr. Natalio, widely schooled in quackery and medieval surgery, doesn't have a doubt about his diagnosis: Alvarito suffers the disease of the "stone of madness", a pebble that presses the brain, impeding correct reasoning to the patient. According to his theory, an uncomplicated operation, as old as the world itself, will be enough to remove the stone and change Alvarito over a perfectly lucid young man...
西班牙出品,12分钟短片。居然有喜剧成分在里边,但其中那份无处不在的诡异感已经足够让你头皮发麻。小丑扮相的弱智儿子、前后心境有了极大改变的慈母(虽说外表看起来跟女巫没什么两样)以及同样扭曲荒诞的怪医,讥讽意味十足。短片灵感来源于Hieronymus Bosch的画作「madness of stone」。