德伯家的苔丝Tess of the D'Urbervilles(2008)

主演:杰玛·阿特登 埃迪·雷德梅恩 鲁思·琼斯 汉斯·麦瑟逊 伊恩 

导演:戴维·布莱尔 编剧:托马斯·哈代 Thomas Hardy/大卫·尼克尔森 David Nicholls






Plot Summary:In the late 19th century, Tess Durbeyfield is sent off to visit a rich cousin, Alec D'Urberville, when her parents learn that they are distantly related. Tess takes a disliking to the man and his attempts at seduction are rebuffed. Returning from a village party he forces himself on the innocent girl who eventually makes her way back to her parents' home. Ashamed and pregnant she seems destined to forever being marked a certain kind of woman. After the death of her child, she makes her way to a prosperous farm where, working as a milkmaid, she meets and eventually marries the handsome Angel Clare. On learning of her past however, he abandons her and with little choice and facing a life of extreme hardship, again falls into Alec's clutches and becomes a kept woman.


  • Re.

    Re. • 论纯洁

    所有人都在教女孩子要矜持,要保守,要得体...却从来没有人告诉男孩子,要怎么做。 苔丝积极向上,热爱生活,本来美好的生活,却被亚雷的私欲毁掉了一生。如果说亚雷对苔丝是身体上的摧残,那么克莱就是对苔丝精...
  • Luna

    Luna • 至少让人清醒

    看了“德伯家的苔丝”我感触很多,最大的感触是我在想“爱一个人是爱什么?” ANGEl说他爱TESS,爱她,她的一切,每次他在他父母面前描述这个女孩,在他心中,TESS是如此的完美,那份爱是如此的强烈。...
  • 碧海潮生

    碧海潮生 • 苔丝的悲剧真的只是时代和命运的错误吗?

    看完给我印象最深的居然是苔丝的“It's not my fault”…这就是那个年代男性作家笔下的女性形象么?固然表达了命运和时代的不公平,但是苔丝真的因为悲惨的命运就没有错了吗?每一个决定的产生,都...
  • 睡不醒的妮可

    睡不醒的妮可 • 女性的悲剧是否是因为她有个子宫?

  • 瞻和

    瞻和 • 夏天

    为什么人们总说夏天这个意象,似乎是象征着对未来美好的期盼和甜蜜的爱情,似乎是许多人世间太过美好的感情全部杂糅在一起,凝聚成糖果慢慢融化在嘴里,譬如莎翁曾写给Mr.W.H.的“Shall I compa...
