顶着篮子的女人Fort-de-France:Femmes portant des corbeilles(1902)





《顶着篮子的女人》(1902)原名《Fort-de-France:Femmes portant des corbeilles》字幕下载

Genuine Pictures of the Ruined City of St. Pierre, Mt. Pelee Smoking, Fort de France and Other Historical Scenes Incidental to the Great Calamity. Our staff photographers returned from Martinique on the steamship \"Korona,\" and brought with them a complete series of typical and genuine Martinique films, which, when exhibited in connection with our Mt. Pelee films, makes a complete entertainment in themselves. Our photographers were dispatched to the scene of the disaster immediately after the news reached this country, and during the following two months succeeded in procuring a set of motion picture negatives that are of extraordinary interest and rare photographic excellence. Gives a general idea of what is constantly seen along the streets of this town. Mules and oxen are drawing large hogsheads of sugar to the wharves for shipment. Shows the customs of the people. Clear and distinct.


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