青葱岁月おちゃめなふたご クレア学院物語(1991)

又名:Krea Grad School Story

主演:日高法子 原えりこ キートン山田 弘中くみ子 岛本须美 江森 

导演:中野頼道 山本泰一郎 小林孝志 岡崎幸男 あおやまひろし 酒井明雄 さかいあきお 编剧:Enid Blyton


《青葱岁月》(1991)原名《おちゃめなふたご クレア学院物語》字幕下载 / 又名《Krea Grad School Story》中文字幕下载

Patricia and Isobelle O'Sullivan arrives at the St. Claire, a college for girls to study and live in there. In this place they meet to Alison, Wella, Catherine and Doris, who live too in the St. Claire, and that join them in their team spirit of sympathy and friendship. All together, the girls play games and fun long time living in harmony until that appears Winfred, a sulky rude and antisocial girl that no will doubt to create all kind of troubles for the O'Sullivan twins and their friends due to the hate and jealous she has about all them.


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