每天脑袋空空,从未认真思考过生活的大场加奈子,某天因为一时冲动接下了的一份诡异的工作……这里是杀手专用的餐厅,每个人都怀抱着无法抹灭的心灵创伤。 只要你惹得客人不高兴,即使只是放盘子的动作都可能让你送命。 面对这些无法用一般方式应对的凶恶顾客,大场加奈子有机会活下来吗?When a job seeker finds one through a job board she soon finds a whole lot more than for which she bargained. In fact, this job could be hazardous to her health and life. Is it a high risk position? No. She is a waitress at a restaurant. The chef and owner is a mysterious character and the clientele is comprised of outlaws who do not take kindly to unkindness.