克林特.伊斯特伍德导演的处女作,并且在片中扮演一名深夜电台节目主持人。在他与女友的关系陷入低潮时,偶然跟一名崇拜他的女听众有了一夜情,不料对方却自此对他纠缠不休,后来更发展成因妒生恨的谋杀关系。全片气氛掌握得相当出色,部分场面能吓人一跳。此外,本片主题曲“我第一次看到你的脸"十分悦耳动听,喜欢听广播的朋友不可错过。Disc jockey Dave Garver attracts the amorous attentions of a demented fan named Evelyn Draper. Evelyn lets Dave pick her up at a bar; later at her apartment Evelyn admits that she is the cooing caller who repeatedly asks Dave to play the Erroll Garner classic "Misty." From then on, the film is a lesson in how one casual date can turn your whole life around. Evelyn stalks Dave everywhere, ruins his business lunch, assaults his maid, mutilates his house and all of his belongings, and finally threatens to butcher his girlfriend Tobie Williams. You'll never be able to hear that song again without looking over your shoulder.