The short film "2048: Nowhere to Run" shows how Sapper Morton (Dave Bautista) draws the attention from the police. Actually those who watch the film "Blade Runner 2049" might get confused about Sapper Morton, who appears at the start of "Blade Runner 2049". And this short just provides the answer.

银翼杀手:2048无处可逃2048: Nowhere to Run(2017)

又名:2048:无处可逃 / 银翼杀手2049短片三部曲之二 / 银翼杀手2049前传短片:谢波摩顿的真实身分



导演:卢克·斯科特 编剧:汉普顿·范彻 Hampton Fancher/迈克尔·格林 Michael Green/卢克·斯科特 Luke Scott
