偶然翻箱倒柜 倒腾出来的老文章 首发新浪播客@2009-04-04 14:25:23

Keep up with American's Next Top Model Cycle 12, ep6 now, with 8 candidates remaining.
The reason why I specialize this cycle so muchis cuz of girls generally this time, who, might not be more beautiful than previously, but do have better personality, be more mature and interesting.
Tworewarding points I've gained while watching those episodes are as follows:
1. Personality,rather than apperance, makes a girl beautiful, and this kind of beauty distinguishes and lasts longer.
2. Smartness outshines. Get smart, being smart, learn fast. Bam!
Amazingly, I come up with some kinda "theory" about being winning in this competition, and more importantly, being a girl/woman comfortably. I call it, "The Theory of CPI".
CPI, which commonly means Consumer Price Index economically, here stands for Confidence, Personality and Interest, which I conclude as the 3 key elements to being a girl/woman comfortably. More words needed to say about "Interest". It means, to me, being an interesting person and always be interested in interesting things.
I guess, instead of constantly saying to yourself, "You need to be a strong and independed woman" to get cheered up, those 3 words are more easily memorable and effective, aren't they?
Ok, back to the show. 8 models remaining, and some of them I have my specialfavor for.
THE smart, stylish girl with good personality and attitude. I know, you made sort of a mistake with the intention to reveal some information,but who didn't? So,rub it off your mind, learn the lesson, and stride on! Back you up, girl!
No need to cry any moreabout the curly, short, town boy hair,isn't it?Look at you, bright, special, smile up, cutie!
THE alien, small and innocent. kinda worry about you for constantly showing the same look, which definitely is not what those judges wanna see. Have my fingers crossed for you, girl.
Waiting for the upcomings...

全美超模大赛 第十二季America's Next Top Model(2009)

又名:全美超级模特新秀大赛 第十二季 / 全美超模 第十二季



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