"A woman's beauty lies simply in her essence, which is not different, but simply oppses to that of man."
"What is a take? Between the words 'action' and 'stop', what is it? It's the fixing of reality, fixing of time, it's a way of preserving time so that in which way we can later roll and unroll it as we please. No other art form can fix time sas cinema does......Film is a mosaic made of time."
"Wrting the script, inventing the scenes, looking for locations, drawing of my mind, what's needed to make the film. But shooting it is not very interesting. To me it's te most boring art. because all as already been thought and done......this is extremely boring."
"What film can do, can not be done by another form of art."
Erland Josephson(paraphrase):" Tarchovsky shows the secrecy in the characters inderectly, he tells you many facts about the character, but in the end you have to think about how to hide your feelings, not in a fradulent way, but in a way that people ususlly behave——sometimes you hide your feelings. Therefore the audience can have their own fantasy, of what's going on in the inner world of the character."
"Even now, I don't know if I sure of what cinema is. To me it remains a great mistery."

《乡愁》中的塔可夫斯基Andrey Tarkovsky in Nostalghia(1984)




导演:Donatella Baglivo 编剧:托尼·诺格拉 Tonino Guerra


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