我将来看你I'll Be Seeing You(1944)

又名:相逢有日(港) / 重逢有日(台)


主演:金杰·罗杰斯 约瑟夫·科顿 秀兰·邓波儿 

导演:威廉·迪亚特尔 乔治·库克 编剧:Charles Martin/Marion Parsonnet


正在监狱服刑的玛丽(金格尔·罗杰斯 Ginger Rogers 饰)获得了意料之外的八天假期,她决定利用这个假期前往派恩希去探望叔叔。在火车上,玛丽邂逅了名为扎克(约瑟夫·科顿 Joseph Cotten 饰)的军士,两人相谈甚欢。得知玛丽要到派恩希,扎克和她在同一个车站下了车。   玛丽的到来受到了叔叔的热烈欢迎,可是侄女芭芭拉(秀兰·邓波儿 Shirley Temple 饰)却因为知道玛丽是囚犯而对她心怀警觉。但随着时间的推移,芭芭拉在玛丽的身上看到了美好的品质,也得知了玛丽入狱的前因后果,两人冰释前嫌。这八天里,玛丽和扎克之间的感情火速升温,离别的日子眼看就要来临,两人心中都充满了痛苦。
Plot Summary:Mary Marshall, serving a six year term for accidental manslaughter, is given a Christmas furlough from prison to visit her closest relatives, her uncle and his family in a small Midwestern town. On the train she meets Zach Morgan, a troubled army sergeant on leave for the holidays from a military hospital. Although his physical wounds have healed, he is suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder and is subject to panic attacks. The pair are attracted to one another and in the warm atmosphere of the Christmas season friendship blossoms into romance, but Mary is reluctant to tell him of her past and that she must shortly return to prison to serve the remainder of her sentence.


防守三秒判点球 • 散记:我将来看你

从图书馆借了DVD来看,随便写些所见所想。 查了下imdb,这片是1944年拍的,上映时也是45年

若网在纲 • 难以忘怀的记忆!十分感人的片子

片中有两个镜头印象深刻: 一个是两人去为女人买衣服,当服务员领女人要去试衣间时,男人将服务员叫住,问

有 • 同是天涯沦落人


Maverick • 《相见在明天》电影剧本

《相见在明天》电影剧本 文/马里恩·帕森纳特 译/张丹 歌声起。在歌声中推出片名《相见在明天》及演职