


John Hammond老爷爷刚开场的时候说(剧本网站上写的):

I could get back on schedule - - (he Americanizes him pronunciation) - -schedule.




HAMMOND: You know the first attraction I ever built when I came down south from Scotland? Was a Flea Circus, Petticoat Lane. Really quite wonderful. We had a wee trapeze, a roundabout - - a merry-go - - what you call it?

ELLIE: Carousel.

甚至还专门问人家管旋转木马叫啥。【merry-go-round难道不是世界通用么?顺便French-carrousel、 Italian-carosello,咦英式英语这个异端

Richard Attenborough

查了下演员老爷爷Richard Attenborough的确是英国人,生于剑桥,年轻时候在皇家空军服役过,然后还当过Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA) 和British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA)的president,这好像也没什么毕竟是圈内著名老前辈,厉害的是这个:

A lifelong supporter of Chelsea Football Club, Attenborough served as a director of the club from 1969–1982 and between 1993 and 2008 held the honorary position of Life Vice President. On 30 November 2008 he was honoured with the title of Life President at the club's stadium, Stamford Bridge.


In the 1940s, he was asked to 'improve his physical condition' for his role as Pinkie in Brighton Rock. He was asked to train with Chelsea Football Club for a fortnight, subsequently becoming good friends with those at the club. He went on to become a director during the 1970s, helping to prevent the club losing its home ground by holding onto his club shares and donating them, worth over £950,000, to Chelsea. In 2008, Attenborough was appointed Life President of Chelsea Football Club.


这个Life President有的翻译成终生会长有的翻成终生主席/终生名誉主席,不知道具体是啥,但总之是切尔西真爱粉没错了!!!



Dennis, our lives are in your hands and you have butterfingers.

这个字幕有点迷。不过查了才知道butterfinger意思是a person who regularly drops or fails to keep hold of things.啊哈,原来是黄油手!

Richard Kiley

坐游览车的时候有语音导览,老爷爷介绍说"The voice you are now hearing is Richard Kiley"所以这个Richard Kiley是个美国演员,还拿过两次托尼奖。主要是因为原著小说写的就是voice tour guide是他,所以电影就真的找了他。【这条有点无聊

顺便,老爷爷接着说We spared no expense这句话全片他一共说了五遍【是真的自豪


TIM: What do you call a blind dinosaur?

GRANT: I don't know. What do you call a blind dinosaur?

TIM: A Do-you-think-he-saurus. What do you call a blind dinosaur's dog?

GRANT: You got me.

TIM: A Do-you-think-he-saurus Rex.

靠,这个是真没有get到,就因为saw us跟saurus谐音??那后面那个rex是怎么回事?也没查到什么解释,倒还看到一个冷笑话:What do call a dinosaur's puppy? Rex!


King Kong

过大门的时候Malcolm说了一句What have they got in there? King Kong? 这句话是向金刚(里的大门)致敬/埋梗来着。【这个不是我自己发现的毕竟我没看过金刚-。-

Kong is even mentioned directly in the first one: as the tour group approaches the massive Jurassic Park gate that is reminiscent of the gate in King Kong, Jeff Goldblum's character asks, "What have they got in there, King Kong?"


侏罗纪公园Jurassic Park(1993)

又名:Jurassic Park 3D

上映日期:2013-08-20(中国大陆 3D) / 1993-06-11(美国) / 2013-04-05(美国)片长:127分钟

主演:山姆·尼尔 劳拉·邓恩 杰夫·高布伦 理查德·阿滕伯勒 鲍勃 

导演:史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格 编剧:迈克尔·克莱顿 Michael Crichton/大卫·凯普 David Koepp


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