OMg, not only Jesus wept, i cried for the downfall of Chinese movie industries

First of all, I have to point out that this movie is a totally and completely UNnecessary one. Another living proof that the Chinese movie industry is running into a cul-de-sac, like the street sign: "Not A Thru Street". And this film has spent unlimited budget, tons of ¥¥¥/$$$ to produce another lackluster, a mud-in-your-face, boring, bore-to-death, formulaic, meh-you-to-kingdom-come epic lousy Chinese film that should not, must not approved to put into production.

This movie, like lot of the extremely bad scripted Chinese films, using a foreigner as the narrator to tell a he definitely impossible to know the inside story of what-happened in the imperial palace of the Tong Dynasty! Yet this so-called preacher, a Catholic priest from the Roman Empire (what a load of crap! The Chinese never knew that Jesus was crucified by the Romans?) seems to know every detail of the Tong emperor's sexual activities deep in his palace. Why lot of the Chinese movies and the TV drama series always like to use a westerner to tell a Chinese story that he actually knew jacksh@t is beyond my comprehension. Maybe it's a Chinese complex like what nowadays Chinese who obsessed LV/Hermes purses, all the famous brands of the West, so the Chinese movies got to have some foreigners in their movies to show that lot of the white people also envies Chinese culture, so they kept coming to China to salute the Chinese empire and its emperors.

This brain-dead film was built on a part of the Chinese history, but evolved into a totally fairy tale like fantasy that got nothing to do with anything with its fundamentally based Chinese, instead, the producers, the screenplay writers, the director and those actors, they could not careless about the history, like the Chinese Communist Party who claimed they actually fought against the Japanese and won the war of the Japanese invasion. Historical facts to the modern day Chinese, from the reigning party to the common Chinese citizens, means NOTHING at all, they just do whatever they like to rewrite the history, for the Chinese media industries, they only want to borrow their historical background and twisted them into absurdity, spiced with ridiculous romances, love affairs and politically correct craps to please their reigning party to get approval of their productions, and kept fooling their movie/TV viewers with lot of made-up lies. They followed their Chairman Mao's motto: "F@@k the truth, F@@k the fact, F@@k the history, if you keep lying thousand times, the lies will become the truth, the fact and the history!" Then again, Comrade Deng also told the born-lying Chinese: "Black cat or white cat, it don't matter, comrades, as long as it can catch the rats, they are all good cats!" So keep lying, comrades who are making movies and anything related to media, as long as you guys could swindle the money out of the pockets of billion Chinese, to hell with the history, the fact and the truth.

Why I could say so for most of the Chinese people? Because unluckily, I am one of the foolish slant eyes in the eyes of the westerners. But before I rest my case of this stupid film, i still have to warn you:

"Watch out the wallet in your pocket, dude, DO NOT BE FOOLED AGAIN this time. DO NOT WASTE your money and lifetime on this crap!"


又名:杨贵妃 / 盛唐危机 / Lady of the Dynasty


主演:范冰冰 黎明 吴尊 陈冲 宁静 吴刚 金昊 陈宝国 文章  

导演:十庆 编剧:十庆 Shiqing/吴楠 Nan Wu/卞智弘 Zhihong Bian
