
非电影:Extended comment

Art is not about art, art is about life; or is this two somehow distinguishable? Berkeley说to be is to be perceived. Here the ontological commitment of ordinary objects is prescribed to a certain relation. Cinema is all about (the relation/tension between) E and O, the eye and the object, one that which haunts and one that which escapes. B desires to capture while afraid of been captured, and this twosidedness constitute the essence of our human condition. Deleuze is right about life as meta-cinematic experiences, a world captured, and in turn captures. E and O are not molar lines in which the relations are fixed static. The phenomenological experience of consciousness experimented by B is an examplification of the reflection of human consciousness, (which is also how heidegger resolve the problem of the other minds in Being and Time). Life is perceiving and been perceived; self is formed by reflexive perception. Thus spoke: when you looked into the abyss, the abyss looked into you.



主演:巴斯特·基顿 凯文·布朗洛 JUDITH DOUW 

导演:Ross Lipman 
