
九月:Hopeful September

The camera lens is shaking at the beginning of the film so that we could easily imagine how confused adolescence is. But the background music is always slow, tender and peaceful. The story of two boys is just whispered by the breeze in west Australia. Of cause it makes a contrast between social change and beautiful scene. It is in September when winter turns to spring day by day in the Southern Hemisphere. When you see the open ending, you shall believe one of the boys would embrace dawn during his dark life.

Ed, the rancher’s son, doesn’t like studying but he is interested in boxing. Paddy, the servant’s son, is eager to study but he has to work with his father in the farm. The happiest thing for Paddy is talking with Ed when Ed gets off the school bus even though Ed’s answer is “nothing” every time. A white and a black silhouette are always passing through the golden cornfield. Since the famous boxer is going to the town, Ed and Paddy began to do boxing exercise in the farm.

Then the government issued that black should gain the same salary for the same job as white. The relationship between the rancher and the servant became awkward. That affected these two families in some degree. Once Paddy talked to Ed before his classmates, but Ed felt disgraced. It may lead to a strong attack on Ed when he was doing boxing exercise with Paddy. The squared circle built by Ed and Paddy was demolished. Paddy had to decide make some changes to avoid his future copying his father’s. Finally he decided to leave the farm and be a real boxer. Ed saw him on the way, after thinking over and over he drove Paddy to the boxing team. We have no idea whether Paddy will be a boxer or not. Either we are not sure if Ed and Paddy are still friends.

In the end, it seemed that the cornfield was peaceful and hopeful again.


又名:麦田少年(台) / 澳大利亚1968


主演:Clarence John Ryan 泽维尔·塞缪尔 基兰· 

导演:Peter Carstairs 编剧:Peter Carstairs/Ant Horn