If “I love you” is like a promise, it's just a promise to, like, try really hard. Doesn't mean that you can't fail.
—This world is absolutely lousy with people, and I hate them all. I hate everyone but you.
—Yeah, I hate everyone else, too.
—Gretchen, extraordinary, confounding Gretchen, she who emits more energy than a dying galaxy, despite not washing her legs. Together we transcend the mundanity down there. Separate, it will eventually consume us and turn us as mundane as them. And to allow that to happen simply because we were scared would be a criminal act.

我爱上的人是奇葩 第三季You're the Worst(2016)

又名:你最坏了 / 你最坏

主演:克里斯·吉尔 阿雅·卡什 戴斯敏·博格斯 凯瑟·多诺休 萨米 

导演:温蒂·斯坦齐勒 编剧:斯蒂芬·福尔克 Stephen Falk

我爱上的人是奇葩 第三季的影评