Bear infested snow ridge bear wind is an animated film starring Bear Big, Bear Two, Qiangtousheng, and Tuanzi. Firstly, the film expresses genuine emotions, moving and warming audiences, and reminding us to cherish the people around us. They support and grow together during their adventure. The unity of animals and humans is powerful, preventing a catastrophic disaster from occurring in the forest.

Secondly, the story is touching, straightforward, and the animated characters are vivid and full of personality.

Bear infested snow ridge bear wind also showcases the beauty and power of nature, with breathtaking scenery, the enigmatic white bear, and various strange creatures, all of which allow audiences to experience the magic and charm of nature. At the same time, the film conveys the message of protecting nature and cherishing ecology, making audiences pay more attention to environmental protection and sustainable development.


又名:熊出没大电影2 / Boonie Bears: Mystical Winter


主演:张伟 张秉君 谭笑 孟雨田 孙尧东 赵肖宇 辛媛 万丹青 

导演:丁亮 刘富源 编剧:刘富源 Fuyuan Liu


太子 • 山神