


Hector问:为什么你总是知道要问什么问题?Freddie 说:因为我从不害怕答案。



when the authority of a government is challenged, that government will do everything in its power
to ensure they are not exposed as the liars and murderers that they are.
I have come to understand that it is possible, Frederick, to be a patriot and at the same time
question and judge the wisdom and rightness of the government in power.

Ladies and gentlemen, if we cannot debate that which troubles our society, and more importantly troubles our government, then we cannot in all honesty call ourselves a democracy. If we cannot question our leaders as they embark on what has been called an illegal military action, an action publicly opposed by the United States government..And the countries of the United Nations Security Council...If we cannot reasonably and intelligently query about the rightness of an action that appears at heart to be deceitful...Then we are not a free (country).

演播时刻 第一季The Hour(2011)

又名:危情时刻 第一季 / 新闻狂人 第一季 / 时时刻刻 第一季 / 焦点时刻 第一季(台)

主演:本·卫肖 萝玛拉·嘉瑞 多米尼克·韦斯特 詹森·弗里曼 奥娜 

导演:科奇·吉尔佐 哈利·布拉德比尔 编剧:艾比·摩根 Abi Morgan