
真相拼图:The Laramie Project


1. “Nobody deserves that. I don't care who you are.”

2. 视野里远去的路牌上写:Hate is not a Laramie value.

3. 没注意名字的剧院的小伙,告诉父母他准备公演Angels in America, 父母拒绝观看,因为homosexuality is wrong, 从根本上。

4. 38分处,各地自发组织的为Matthew的游行和祷告,诗歌里唱:Let the light shine in the darkness, before the dawn, no more sorrow in the nighttime, let it shine, oh lord, let it shine. (——那和声简直是催泪利器)

5. “I hope that in the grief of this moment and in the shared outrage across America, Americans will once again search their hearts, and do what they can do to reduce their own fear and anxiety and anger at people who are different.” 同上的场景,我很喜欢这句。“来减少他们对,与我们稍有不同的人们的,恐慌紧张和怒气”。Gay也好Les也好BI也好,只是“different”.

6. 45分处,homecoming parade, 在教室里用大屏幕看的时候又一催泪场景。那位52岁的伤了腿的gay man从公寓的一边窗户挪到另一边窗户紧跟着队伍。跟着学校队伍后的自发为Matthew组成的游行队,在10分钟后人数增长到了原先的5倍多,人物bigger than the entire parade, “Thank God I got to see this in my lifetime. Thank you, Matthew,”

7. 公路巡查员的妻子先表示nobody deserves it, 其后将Matthew描述为一个barfly, 一个传染艾滋的人。她说不明白为什么媒体会如此夸大他的事件,而同一时间一位巡逻员被杀却只成为地方版上的小新闻。

8. 是的Matthew患有艾滋。Reggie因为在隔开捆绑他的绳子时手套不给力+手上有切口,被隔离服药观察治疗。近半年后结果为HIV negative. 她亲吻每一个人。

9. 57分半处,"Matthew's mother said," 发言人在这里忽然泣不成声, 他想到了他自己的四个女儿, "Go home, give ur kids a hug, and don't let the day go by w/o telling them that u love them."

10. 总有人叫嚷着God's anger, send him to the hell. 由此而发Angel Action.

11. faggot, lez, dyke等污蔑性词汇被提及。

12. 影片高潮处,是Dennis Shephard, Matt父亲的发言。他说Matt was not alone, 他有天空星星月亮阳光和主的同在,他呼吸着充满树的香气的空气看着这片土地。这里未免有些煽情了。

13. 随后,他说:I, too, believe in the death penalty.I would like nothing better than to see you die Mr. McKinney. However, this is the time to begin the healing process, to show mercy to someone who refused to show mercy. I give you life in the memory of one who no longer lives. May you have a long life and may you thank Matthew every day for it. 这是一个最美好的curse和带恶意的期许。

14. 值得挖的东西还有一点。不想写了(躺平)。这是1998年的事件。


15. 这学期跟教授去吃了个饭,提起这部电影相关的最后那篇作文。她说有个学生告诉她,Matt是个有钱人家的小孩,时时在学生间倒卖drugs, Times上有篇报道有理有据地说,Matt被杀并非因为他是gay, 而是因为金钱和交易纠纷。见仁见智吧。

真相拼图The Laramie Project(2002)

又名:同志少年杀人事件 / 拉拉米尔计划 / 拉勒米计划


主演:Laura Linney Christina Ricci S 

导演:Moisés Kaufman 编剧:Amanda Gronich/Jeffrey LaHoste/Leigh Fondakowski