
没有方向的家:Bob Dylan

今晚无意中在图书馆发现Bob Dylan的一部纪录片No Direction Home,Martin Scorsese导演的。电影很长,共两张DVD。我看了第一张,激动不已。

纪录片的开头,Bob Dylan谈起对自己整个人生的看法。他小的时候,偶然在家里听到一首乡村歌曲。那首歌给他一种奇怪的感觉,让他觉得自己可能出生在错误的家庭,有着错误的父母。他感觉自己出生的时候离自己真正的家非常遥远,所以他一辈子都在回家的路上;但这个家没有明确的所指,也因此没有明确的方向。当我看着他在台上沉醉地唱Like A Rolling Stone时,我能真切地体会他的感受。

How does it feel? How does it feel? To be on your own, with no direction home? Like a complete unknown, like a rolling stone.

电影中有几段很让我感动。一个黑人女歌手Mavis Staples回忆起自己小时候听Bob Dylan的Blowin’ In The Wind时,说了以下这段话。(Bob 写这首歌时21岁。)

How could he write “how many roads must a man walk down before you can call him a man”? This is what my father went through.
He was the man who wasn’t called a man, you know. So, where is he coming from? White people don’t have hard times, you know. This is my thinking back then, because I was a kid, too.
What he was writing was inspirational, you know. They were inspirational songs. And they would inspire. It’s the same as gospel. He was writing truth.

另外一幕是Bob Dylan的一个朋友谈起古巴导弹危机的晚上:

The night of the Cuban Missile Crisis, the general feeling was, the world was gonna end or something like that. It was quite heavy.
I walked into the Gaslight (where Bob used to play then) and Bob was there. Just a few people listened to him sing.
He said”why don’t you come up, we’ll sing some songs together. Let’s do that old Carter Family song: You’re Gonna Miss Me When I’m Gone.”
I was playing the nice Carter Family thing and we’re singing… And I’m thinking who’s gonna miss us when we’re gone. We’re all gonna be gone, you know. What the hell is this!

看着21岁的Bob Dylan在台上演唱Blowin’ In The Wind,我突然想起自己也快21岁了。他已经在他的路上了,那么我呢?他说自己最渴望像英雄一样牺牲在战场上——”but that era has passed”。那么我们的时代呢?

Annie hall里,一个女人对Woody Allen饰演的男主角说,“你听过Bob Dylan的Just like a Woman吗?”她喜欢这首歌,喜欢它的歌词——she makes love just like a woman, she aches just like a woman; but she breaks just like a little girl. 我想起我也曾经对你说,我喜欢这首歌,喜欢这几句歌词。于是我能想象,在以后,以后的以后,还会有许多的人有着相似的感觉。

纪录片里,有人这么评论Bob Dylan:
It’s almost enough to make you believe in Jung’s notion of collective unconscious. That if there is an American collective unconscious, if you could believe in something like that, that Bobby had somehow tapped into it and there were always sometimes faint resonances.

就在这种“faint resonances”里,我感受到了某些超越时间的力量。

没有方向的家No Direction Home: Bob Dylan(2005)

又名:卜戴伦漂流半生(港) / 迷途之家 / 归乡无路 / 没有家的方向 / 没有回家的路向:鲍伯·迪伦


主演:鲍勃·迪伦 琼·贝兹 Allen Ginsberg B.J. 



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