I’m out here a thousand miles from my home,
Walkin’ a road other men have gone down.
I’m seein’ your world of people and things,
Your paupers and peasants and princes and kings.(Song to Woody)

Yes, ‘n’how many ears must one man have
Before he can hear people cry?
Yes, ‘n’ how many deaths will it take till he knows
That too many people have died?
The answer, my friend, is blowin’ in the wind,
The answer is blowin’ in the wind.

As the present now will later be past
The order is rapidly fadin’.
And the first one now will later be last
For the times they are a-changin’.

Hey! Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me,
I’m not sleepy and there is no place I’m going to.
Hey! Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me,
In the jingle jangle morning I’ll come followin’ you.

How does it feel?
How does it feel?
To be on your own.
With no direction home.
Like a complete unknown.
Like a rolling stone?

没有方向的家No Direction Home: Bob Dylan(2005)

又名:卜戴伦漂流半生(港) / 迷途之家 / 归乡无路 / 没有家的方向 / 没有回家的路向:鲍伯·迪伦


主演:鲍勃·迪伦 琼·贝兹 Allen Ginsberg B.J. 



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