


As a cinematographer and photographer, I sincerely feel this documentary. When different filmmakers debate film and digital cameras, I think that the development of film production technology is constantly changing our values. Traditional filmmakers hope to save their films in physical and chemical ways, pursuing the texture and authenticity of the films. The new filmmaker enjoys the portability of the new film technology, allowing them to create many works that could not be created before. Twenty years ago, many filmmakers thought that using digital cameras to make films was disrespectful to the film. However, only a few directors, such as Christopher Nolan, refused to use digital cameras and CGI after twenty years. Most movies are now produced by digital cameras.

When the Cinematographer Geoff Boyle judged whether DSLRs could be used for film production, he said, "I hate them being used as movie cameras. It's not good enough." However, today's mirrorless cameras, such as Panasonic Lumix S1H, have been used by Netflix for film production. SONY also released mirrorless cameras with high image quality such as FX3 and A7S3. Ten years ago, it was impossible to use a mirrorless camera or DSLR for formal film production. Therefore, it seems possible that people will shoot movies with ultra-light devices such as mobile phones in the future. But today's concept would be like people's attitude towards digital cameras twenty years ago: mobile phones could be disrespectful to films.

I do not reject to use film, and I often use film for still photography. I think the film can chemically preserve what I see at that moment, while the digital image is nothing more than binary data. However, I think it is just a tool for telling a story, whether a film or a digital camera. The ultimate goal is to use these tools to express emotions and information. Quentin Tarantino is not a fan of digital cameras, but he also thinks digital cameras can capture something that film cannot. When I was producing documentaries, I would never use a cine camera because the cine camera is too big to deal with unexpected situations. For this, capturing the moment is much more important than image quality.

Therefore, the film may disappear in future film development, and even those professional cine cameras such as ARRI and RED will also disappear. We cannot deny the portability and better visual effects of new technologies. The film should also accept more new technologies as such a highly comprehensive and inclusive art. But I still hope that some traditional film technology can be preserved, because this is a trace of the times.

阴阳相成Side by Side(2012)

又名:基努李维之数位任务(台) / 奇洛李维斯给电影的情书(港) / 追踪电影未来(HKIFF) / 肩并肩 / 双重叠影 / 并驾齐驱


主演:基努·里维斯 大卫·芬奇 马丁·斯科塞斯 詹姆斯·卡梅隆  

导演:克里斯托弗·肯尼利 编剧:克里斯托弗·肯尼利 Christopher Kenneally
